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Canton community celebrates scholars and seniors

Today Online

Updated: Feb 3, 2022

Canton Dollars for Scholars 2020 Scholarship Winners

Canton Dollars for Scholars has announced the recipients of its 2020 scholarships. Unfortunately, due to COVID, the students were not celebrated at an awards ceremony. This was a great group of students moving on to further education with a strong record of success in high school.

Canton Dollars for Scholars awarded 32 scholarships this year, funded through the generosity of the community. They look forward to increased participation in their newest community fundraiser, the Collinsville Trick or Trot 5K, near the end of October.

Canton Dollars for Scholars seeks well-rounded students who are achieving his their best grades while serving the school, community and the greater good. CDFS focuses on school involvement, work and community commitments. Dollars for Scholars students are all going on to further education through college or technical school.

Students receiving scholarships from Canton Dollars for Scholars in 2020:

Thomas Amrose, Isabel Andrews, Julia Bonetti, Julia Bonetti, Christopher Brandon, Tyler Bruno, Allison Celmer, Margaret First, Margaret Frawley, Carter Gavin, Veronica Gorbenko, Annabel Hayes, Jason Ho, Ashley Huff, Paul Iannello, Austin Kilduff, Julia Langou, Emma Love, Logan Mansur, Julia Melton, Anna Miller, Gabriel Mower, Ryan Nickerson, Adam Obrzut, Alyssa Peters, Nathan Poleyestewa, Gabrielle Schinkel and Veronica Treacy

2020 Older American Month Awards

The Canton Department of Senior and Social Services has announced that the winner of the 2020 Older American Month Award is Jane Lamberty, a community volunteer.

The month of May is nationally recognized as Older Americans Month, a time to celebrate contributions and achievements of the nation’s older people. The 2020 Older Americans Month theme was Make Your Mark, highlighting the difference everyone can make. Jane has contributed her time, talent and life experiences to benefit the community. She has engaged in activities that promote learning, health and personal enrichment.

This year, there was no in-person award ceremony. However, Jane received a special gift presented by First Selectman Robert Bessel.

Last year’s winner was Maureen Wallison, a lifelong Canton resident and faithful volunteer.

Sources — Canton Dollars for Scholars • Canton Department of Senior and Social Services


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