VFW invites area veterans to fly-in event
Updated: Feb 2, 2022
Simsbury VFW Post commander John Fox welcomes veterans, from all towns and locales, to visit with post members at the VFW's vendor booth at the 2019 Simsbury Fly-In and Car Show. The show is slated for Sunday, Sept. 22 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Simsbury Airport on 94 Wolcott Road.
"This gives us an opportunity to meet with veterans in a friendly setting," Fox says, "and talk about our community activities and the benefits of membership in the VFW."
He notes that the national theme of the VFW is as follows: "No one does more for veterans and their families than the Veterans of Foreign Wars. From local grassroots ideas to national influence, the VFW works every day to make a difference."
For the Simsbury VFW Post, this means that all its work serves veterans and the current military. Membership in the post includes monthly social gatherings, the informative national monthly VFW Magazine, and an introduction to the state VFW service officer for those who need assistance with benefits.
In addition, members can participate in the annual Memorial Day Parade, in Veterans Day activities at local schools and Eno Memorial Hall on Nov. 11, and at the annual Buddy Poppy Drive outside Fitzgerald’s Food Store and Stop & Shop Supermarket every November.
"This gives us an opportunity to meet with veterans in a friendly setting." — Simsbury VFW commander John Fox
The Simsbury post's official name is Metacomet VFW Post 1926. In its 54th year, the post stands ready to help any veteran in need regardless of membership in the VFW.
The post fundraises during the year for many local and state veteran causes, which provides an opportunity to meet the men and women who have fought for our freedom.
There are three basic criteria to be eligible to join the VFW: (1) The veteran must have served overseas during a conflict, (2) must have an honorable discharge or be a current member of the military, and (3) must be a U.S. citizen. There are other criteria that can qualify a veteran for membership — contact the post for details at 860-604-0471.
For further info, visit the Simsbury VFW website
Contributor — Simsbury VFW Post