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Community ​News ​That ​Matters ​Nationwide​ — Award-Winning — Recording Connecticut's Underreported Upside

Covering the Heart of the Farmington Valley and Beyond


GREAT NEWS — an amazing TEAM EFFORT — we've won 68 SPJ awards in 6 years > News Story


Print + Digital SPECIAL EDITION > WWII Heroes from Greatest Generation • Best of Today Magazine

Reserve Your Ad Space Today > 860-988-1910 • advertise @


MONTHLY MAGAZINE • December • November • Other Digital Editions 

NEWS SITE > TODAY ONLINE                              Valley Events > Today CALENDAR

• Today Magazine Print Circulation > More Than Double Other Valley Mags • Cost Per 1000 > Far Better •







advertise @

AD SPECIAL • 10% DISCOUNT 6-Month Ad Campaign

Receive a 10% discount for 
an ad campaign of six consecutive months or longer



Today Magazine and Today Publishing ​have won 68 SPJ awards in 5+ years since our debut in October 2018 

SPJ = Society of Professional Journalists

SPJ is an acclaimed U.S. media agency 


2024 Award Story

Today​ wins most SPJ awards
among ​CT magazine​s

2023 Award Story

Sweet 16: More SPJ awards for Today 


2022 Award Story

Today wins 12 more SPJ awards


2021 Award Story

Nine more SPJ awards for Today 


​Editor-in-chief Bruce Deckert has won​ ​
43 SPJ awards​ — 41 with Today,​ including​​ his 
first-place award​ in 2020​ for ​a cover story​​​ ​on​ ​volunteer fire departments and the 9/11 connection 

+LOGO - TODAY - All Valley - circle - WE


Magazine Size

8.5 inches x 11 inches

Since the financial fallout of the COVID shutdown and other factors have interrupted our monthly print edition, we are publishing a digital-exclusive monthly magazine

What's in it for our advertising sponsors?

     Simple — the win-win of a rare opportunity for you to boost your brand while investing in Connecticut's Farmington Valley community and beyond. 

     Today Publishing produces a true Valley magazine because we cover and reach all five core Valley towns — Avon • Canton • Farmington • Granby • Simsbury 


Today Magazine, our monthly digital publication, reaches the global online world and is emblazoned across our extensive social media platforms — with ads linked to advertiser websites.


We also publish our unique take on community news in Today Online — our news site with budget-friendly ad rates. 

• By the way, we've reduced our digital ad ratesAd Rates

• Can you afford a $50 ad? That's where our rates now start — really!

-Today - 7-2020 - Millennium - P1-jpg copy_edited.jpg
-Today - 9-2020 - P1-jpg copy.jpg
-Today - 3-2021 - P1-jpg copy.jpg
-Today - 4-2021 - P1-jpg copy_edited.jpg


     Every page of Today Magazine is full-color glossy — a classy, upscale look with ads and photos that really pop — so all of our ads are automatically full-color ... but another Valley mag is newsprint (except for the cover) and charges extra for full-color ads, so be sure to compare apples to apples. The look of newsprint leaves us flat. How about you? 

     Further, the other two Valley mags mail only to a limited upper-income demographic — Today Magazine is mailed to the entire upper-income audience of the Farmington Valley. 

     When you think of Today Magazine, think classy full-color glossy, with a long-lasting shelf life,  mailed directly to everyone — not just wealthier Valley residents — because of course every Valley resident is valuable, regardless of income. 

     Conventional wisdom says it's beneficial for advertisers to reach only an upper-income audience, but we maintain the best value for our advertisers is reaching every address in the Valley with our unique local news coverage — yes, Today Magazine reaches every residence and every business in the Farmington Valley ... including the Valley's entire all-inclusive upper-income demographic. 

• Our print circulation is more than double other Valley mags ... far better Cost Per 1000 


• Covering the Heart of the Farmington Valley and Beyond

Recording Connecticut's Underreported Upside

• Five Towns • One Aim Exceptional Community Journalism 

Here's the upside when you advertise in our print-and-digital publication that covers the heart of the Farmington Valley and beyond:

• Print + Digital — The best of both worlds 

100% Distribution — Print edition reaches not only the entire upper-income demographic of Avon, Canton, Farmington, Granby and Simsbury but also every other Valley residence and business

Circulation: 42,000+ — Two other Valley mags reach less than 20,000  

Dynamic Digital Presence — In our digital edition, ads are linked to advertiser websites —

   and advertisers get another link in our Advertising Sponsors Directory  

Full-Color Glossy, Award-Winning — Managed by an award-winning journalist

Our Print + Digital Special Edition is in the works — and having Today Magazine in print certainly benefits every advertiser who wants to reach the strategic Valley market. Here's why...



Our Today Online news site can publish your compelling news any day of the week — distinct from our Monthly Digital Magazine 

• Discounted Rate — $50 per ad with 6-Month Recurring Ad Campaign in Today Magazine 

• Cost-Effective Way to Expand Your Digital Reach — more details below in ORDER AD section 


TO REVIEW  When you advertise in our print-and-digital magazine, your message is mailed to all the homes, businesses, condos, apartments and P.O. boxes in all five Valley towns

100% distribution, a robust circulation of 42,000+ addresses. 

     Two other Valley mags are mailed only to a smaller subset of homes primarily in four Valley towns, a limited upper-income demographic. One has a circulation of less than 20,000 addresses, another is at about 12,000. 

     Today Magazine reaches not only the Valley's complete upper-income demographic but also every other business and residence in the Farmington Valley — from the highest-income household to the lowest. We believe all Valley residents are valuable, whatever their income. 

     Our goal is exceptional community journalism — and for local journalism to truly be community journalism, our award-winning magazine needs to reach everyone in the Valley ... of course!


COVER STORY PACKAGE — Let's talk if your business wants to guarantee a cover story • Details below — see ORDER AD section

Anchor 1

ORDER AD — click on an ad below to place it in your shopping cart

Ad Rates — see details below

10% discount: Nonprofit or 6-Month Ad Campaign > code SPECIAL10 Both: 20% discount > SPECIAL20

Payment — After you place your order, we'll email a secure credit card invoice • 

• Ad Production + Design — The first step is to place your ad order and reserve space • 

   Next, you can send a camera-ready ad or we'll design your ad for a one-time fee — details below • 

QUESTIONS?​ Contact TODAY PHONE​ ​860-988-1910• ​EMAIL​ advertise @​ •

Note on Ad Specs — Our ad specs aka ad sizes are based on a print-and-digital template measuring 8.5 inches by 11 inches 

• Since Today Magazine is totally digital these days, the actual size of our digital-exclusive publication will vary (of course) depending 
your digital access — whether via a desktop computer, tablet, smartphone or another device • 

Community ​News ​That ​Matters ​Nationwide​ — Award-Winning — Recording Connecticut's Underreported Upside

Covering the Heart of the Farmington Valley and Beyond


GREAT NEWS — an amazing TEAM EFFORT — we've won 68 SPJ awards in 6 years > News Story


Print + Digital SPECIAL EDITION > WWII Heroes from Greatest Generation • Best of Today Magazine

Reserve Your Ad Space Today > 860-988-1910 • advertise @


MONTHLY MAGAZINE • December • November • Other Digital Editions 

NEWS SITE > TODAY ONLINE                              Valley Events > Today CALENDAR

• Today Magazine Print Circulation > More Than Double Other Valley Mags • Cost Per 1000 > Far Better •







advertise @

AD SPECIAL • 10% DISCOUNT 6-Month Ad Campaign

Receive a 10% discount for 
an ad campaign of six consecutive months or longer



Today Magazine and Today Publishing ​have won 68 SPJ awards in 5+ years since our debut in October 2018 

SPJ = Society of Professional Journalists

SPJ is an acclaimed U.S. media agency 


2024 Award Story

Today​ wins most SPJ awards
among ​CT magazine​s

2023 Award Story

Sweet 16: More SPJ awards for Today 


2022 Award Story

Today wins 12 more SPJ awards


2021 Award Story

Nine more SPJ awards for Today 


​Editor-in-chief Bruce Deckert has won​ ​
43 SPJ awards​ — 41 with Today,​ including​​ his 
first-place award​ in 2020​ for ​a cover story​​​ ​on​ ​volunteer fire departments and the 9/11 connection 

What's in it for our advertising sponsors?

     Simple — the win-win of a rare opportunity for you to boost your brand while investing in Connecticut's Farmington Valley community and beyond. 

     Today Publishing produces a true Valley magazine because we cover and reach all five core Valley towns — Avon • Canton • Farmington • Granby • Simsbury 


Today Magazine, our monthly digital publication, reaches the global online world and is emblazoned across our extensive social media platforms — with ads linked to advertiser websites.


We also publish our unique take on community news in Today Online — our news site with budget-friendly ad rates. 

• By the way, we've reduced our digital ad ratesAd Rates

• Can you afford a $50 ad? That's where our rates now start — really!

-Today - 7-2020 - Millennium - P1-jpg copy_edited.jpg
-Today - 9-2020 - P1-jpg copy.jpg
-Today - 3-2021 - P1-jpg copy.jpg
-Today - 4-2021 - P1-jpg copy_edited.jpg


     Every page of Today Magazine is full-color glossy — a classy, upscale look with ads and photos that really pop — so all of our ads are automatically full-color ... but another Valley mag is newsprint (except for the cover) and charges extra for full-color ads, so be sure to compare apples to apples. The look of newsprint leaves us flat. How about you? 

     Further, the other two Valley mags mail only to a limited upper-income demographic — Today Magazine is mailed to the entire upper-income audience of the Farmington Valley. 

     When you think of Today Magazine, think classy full-color glossy, with a long-lasting shelf life,  mailed directly to everyone — not just wealthier Valley residents — because of course every Valley resident is valuable, regardless of income. 

     Conventional wisdom says it's beneficial for advertisers to reach only an upper-income audience, but we maintain the best value for our advertisers is reaching every address in the Valley with our unique local news coverage — yes, Today Magazine reaches every residence and every business in the Farmington Valley ... including the Valley's entire all-inclusive upper-income demographic. 

• Our print circulation is more than double other Valley mags ... far better Cost Per 1000 


• Covering the Heart of the Farmington Valley and Beyond

Recording Connecticut's Underreported Upside

• Five Towns • One Aim Exceptional Community Journalism 

Here's the upside when you advertise in our print-and-digital publication that covers the heart of the Farmington Valley and beyond:

• Print + Digital — The best of both worlds 

100% Distribution — Print edition reaches not only the entire upper-income demographic of Avon, Canton, Farmington, Granby and Simsbury but also every other Valley residence and business

Circulation: 42,000+ — Two other Valley mags reach less than 20,000  

Dynamic Digital Presence — In our digital edition, ads are linked to advertiser websites —

   and advertisers get another link in our Advertising Sponsors Directory  

Full-Color Glossy, Award-Winning — Managed by an award-winning journalist

Our Print + Digital Special Edition is in the works — and having Today Magazine in print certainly benefits every advertiser who wants to reach the strategic Valley market. Here's why...



Our Today Online news site can publish your compelling news any day of the week — distinct from our Monthly Digital Magazine 

• Discounted Rate — $50 per ad with 6-Month Recurring Ad Campaign in Today Magazine 

• Cost-Effective Way to Expand Your Digital Reach — more details below in ORDER AD section 


TO REVIEW  When you advertise in our print-and-digital magazine, your message is mailed to all the homes, businesses, condos, apartments and P.O. boxes in all five Valley towns

100% distribution, a robust circulation of 42,000+ addresses. 

     Two other Valley mags are mailed only to a smaller subset of homes primarily in four Valley towns, a limited upper-income demographic. One has a circulation of less than 20,000 addresses, another is at about 12,000. 

     Today Magazine reaches not only the Valley's complete upper-income demographic but also every other business and residence in the Farmington Valley — from the highest-income household to the lowest. We believe all Valley residents are valuable, whatever their income. 

     Our goal is exceptional community journalism — and for local journalism to truly be community journalism, our award-winning magazine needs to reach everyone in the Valley ... of course!


COVER STORY PACKAGE — Let's talk if your business wants to guarantee a cover story • Details below — see ORDER AD section


Magazine Size

8.5 inches x 11 inches

Since the financial fallout of the COVID shutdown and other factors have interrupted our monthly print edition, we are publishing a digital-exclusive monthly magazine

+LOGO - TODAY - All Valley - circle - WE

ORDER AD — click on an ad below to place it in your shopping cart

Ad Rates — see details below

10% discount: Nonprofit or 6-Month Ad Campaign > code SPECIAL10 Both: 20% discount > SPECIAL20

Payment — After you place your order, we'll email a secure credit card invoice • 

• Ad Production + Design — The first step is to place your ad order and reserve space • 

   Next, you can send a camera-ready ad or we'll design your ad for a one-time fee — details below • 

QUESTIONS?​ Contact TODAY PHONE​ ​860-988-1910• ​EMAIL​ advertise @​ •

Note on Ad Specs — Our ad specs aka ad sizes are based on a print-and-digital template measuring 8.5 inches by 11 inches 

• Since Today Magazine is totally digital these days, the actual size of our digital-exclusive publication will vary (of course) depending 
your digital access — whether via a desktop computer, tablet, smartphone or another device • 

Anchor 2

TODAY Publishing • 860-988-1910 • office @ — P.O. Box 393, West Simsbury, Connecticut 06092 — © 2018-2025

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