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Today Magazine and Today Publishing ​have won 12 SPJ awards since our debut in  October 2018 


Contributing writer Noelle Blake, an Avon High ​School student, won a first-place and second-place award in 2021 — and contributing photographer Wendy Rosenberg, a Canton resident, garnered a third-place award

Story — 9 more SPJ awards for Today


​E​ditor-in-chief Bruce Deckert has received​ ​11 SPJ honors​ — nine with Today Publishing,​ including​​ 
first-place award​ in 2020​ for ​
a cover story​​​ ​on​ ​volunteer
fire departments and the local 9/11 connection


SPJ = Society of Professional Journalists

SPJ is an acclaimed U.S. media agency




Today Magazine and Today Publishing ​have won 24 SPJ awards since our debut in October 2018 

SPJ = Society of Professional Journalists

SPJ is an acclaimed U.S. media agency 


     First-place award-winners in 2022: Contributing writers Naviah Barrow, Nishant Gopalachar, Katherine Napier, Lisa G. Samia, Sarah Thompson and Terri Wilson and editor-in-chief Bruce Deckert

2022 Story — Today wins 12 more SPJ awards

2021 Story — 9 more SPJ awards for Today 


     Contributing writer Noelle Blake won Today's only first-place award in 2021


​     Editor-in-chief Bruce Deckert has won​ ​18 SPJ awards​ — 16 with Today,​ including​​ his first-place award​ in 2020​ for ​a cover story​​​ ​on​ ​volunteer fire departments and the 9/11 connection 


AD DEADLINE — Order an ad by the 1st of the month for the next month's issue. Space might be available after that — just ask us.
If you send a camera-ready ad — due by the 5th of the month.


Today Magazine Online is our Internet-focused news vehicle, distinct from our monthly print-and-digital publication.

• Discounted rates are just $25-$50 per ad — or less — for our monthly magazine advertisers. 

A Cost-Effective Way to Expand Your Digital Reach
• Details below — at bottom of this page


TO REVIEW  When you advertise in Today Magazine, your message is mailed to all homes, all businesses, all condos, 
all apartments and all P.O. boxes 
in all five Valley towns — a robust circulation of 42,000-plus addresses

     Other Valley magazines are mailed only to a smaller subset

of homes primarily in four Valley towns, a limited upper-income demographic. One has a circulation of just shy of 20,000 addresses, another is at only 12,000. 

     Today Magazine reaches not only the Valley's complete upper-income demographic but also every other business and residence in the Farmington Valley — from the highest-income household to the lowest. We believe all Valley residents are valuable, regardless of income. 

     Plus, Today Magazine reaches the far-flung online world with our digital edition each month. 

     Our goal is exceptional community journalism — and for community journalism to truly be community journalism, our award-winning magazine needs to reach everyone in the Valley. 

COVER STORY PACKAGE — Let's talk if your business wants to guarantee a cover story • For details, click Load More below

AD DEADLINE — Order an ad by the 1st of the month for the next month's issue. Space might be available after that — just ask us.
If you send a camera-ready ad — due by the 5th of the month.

Today - 8-2019 - P1-jpg.jpg
Today - 12-2019 - P1-jpg.jpg
Today P1 for website - 7-2019.jpg
Today - 1-2020 - P1-jpg.jpg

FREE Today Magazine AD for First-Time​​ ​Advertisers — Limited-Time Offer​ — 1/8 Page Ad or 1/4 Page Ad • Ad Specs 

Camera-Ready Ad Required — Long-Term Advertisers To Receive FREE Today Online AD​


Today - 8-2019 - P1-jpg.jpg
Today P1 for website - 7-2019.jpg
Today - 12-2019 - P1-jpg.jpg
Today - 1-2020 - P1-jpg.jpg

For advertising sponsors, the equation is simple: Canton Today Magazine is mailed to everyone in Canton — every single residence and business. 

Distribution Details — Every house, condo, apartment, P.O. box and business in town. 

   (other local mags and papers reach only subsections of town, per their circulation data)

Print and Digital Presence — Your ad will appear in print and online

Local Focus — Dedicated exclusively to Canton, Connecticut. 

High-Quality Content — Managed by an award-winning journalist. 

Glossy Monthly Magazine — Ideal for a long-lasting shelf life. 


Advertising sponsors in the debut issue of Canton Today will receive a 10% discount off the below rates for the duration of their campaign — use promo code DEBUT at checkout. Nonprofits in the debut issue receive a 20% discount: promo code DEBUT501c3.


Exclusive Opportunity — Only one Super Sponsor per business specialty. 

Three Articles Per Year — You provide the content marketing articles, which top the page. 

Listing Every Month — In Super Sponsor box: Sponsor’s name, company and contact info. 

Online Listing — Sponsor’s name, company, contact info: Posted on Canton Today website. 

Customary Ad — Super Sponsor ads must be at least 1/4-page and a minimum of 12 months.


     To request a Super Sponsor ad campaign, order the "Super Sponsor Campaign" (at the bottom of the Advertise/Order Ad page) in addition to your ad. 

     Two notes: (1) Super Sponsor ads must be 1/4-page or larger, and (2) the Super Sponsor campaign must be for a duration of 12 or 24 months.

     Questions? See details on the Advertise page, or contact us:  860-988-1910



Magna Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine


Brian Magna, owner 

302 West Main St, Ste 204, Avon, CT 06001


61 Maple Ave, Canton, CT 06019

Massage Envy — Canton


Steven Hintz, owner

110 Albany Tpke, Ste 205, Canton 


October 2018 – Digital Edition


A full-color, glossy monthly magazine is ideal for a durable shelf life.

     With winsome and robust features, Today Magazine gives readers many reasons to return throughout the month — the calendar of events, for example — meaning more opportunities for people to peruse our news and see our ads.

     Compared with newspapers and newsprint magazines that tend to be quickly recycled, our glossy monthly magazine is more likely to be displayed on coffee tables, in reception areas, and wherever readers want to learn about local news ... and local businesses.



Exclusive Opportunity — Only one Super Sponsor per business specialty. 

Three Articles Per Year — You provide the content marketing articles, which top the page. 

Listing Every Month — In print and digital magazine: contact info and other details.

Online Directory — On Canton Today website, with an additional link to your website. 

Customary Ad — Super Sponsor ads must be at least 1/4-page and a minimum of 12 months.

QUADRUPLE ONLINE PRESENCE — Every Super Sponsor has a fourfold online presence via Canton Today Magazine: (1) Customary ad in digital magazine • (2) Super Sponsor Listing in digital magazine • (3) Advertising Sponsors Directory on our website (for all advertisers) with a link to your website • (4) Super Sponsor Directory with another link to your website.

Canton Today is the
only print publication that focuses exclusively on Canton, Connecticut — and the only one that is mailed to the entire town
Canton Today focuses exclusively on Canton, Connecticut — and is mailed to the entire town


When you purchase an ad campaign and complete your checkout, you acknowledge that you understand and accept the terms and conditions of BWD PUBLISHING LLC’s AD AGREEMENT.

SUPER SPONSOR — Email Canton Today magazine to confirm availability; see Advertise page for details. Email:

CREDIT CARD ORDERS — Your statement will show the vendor as BWD PUBLISHING LLC. 


Magazine Size:

8.5 inches x 11 inches


The advertising sponsors who will be in the debut issue of Canton Today Magazine are listed below in alphabetical order. Click on the sponsor's name to go to the company website. To advertise in Canton Today, a print and digital publication, contact us at

       These sponsors have the satisfaction of knowing they are leveraging what is arguably the best way to reach the Canton market — 100% distribution of our print magazine, including businesses — while investing in the community. Plus, all of our advertising sponsors are posted here online, and each sponsor is linked to its website, providing another digital portal and another listing in Google searches.  

       How are our sponsors investing in the community? Simple: They're making possible a Canton-focused magazine — while reaching the entire town (and the far-flung online community) with their advertising message. The goal is for our advertisers and the town to benefit together from an exceptional win-win.

       Canton Today Magazine thanks and salutes these businesses, and encourages you to review their websites and seek out their expertise. 

Canton Today Magazine: October 2018 – Debut Issue.jpg

Canton Today has debuted already. Phase 2 of our business plan is to introduce print-and-digital magazines in Avon and Simsbury as well.



Remember, Today Magazine is a print-and-digital publication — the link to our current digital edition is posted above and elsewhere on our website.

     We post our digital editions across our extensive social media platforms — Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Alignable — including 20-plus Facebook groups that reach the five core Farmington Valley towns.


Since the financial fallout of the COVID shutdown and other factors have interrupted our monthly print edition, we are publishing a digital-exclusive monthly magazine


A full-color glossy magazine is ideal for a durable shelf life — a Special Print + Digital Edition is in the works. 

     With winsome and robust features, Today Magazine gives readers many reasons to return throughout the month — meaning more opportunities for people to peruse our news and see our ads. 

     Compared with newspapers and newsprint magazines that tend to be quickly recycled, our glossy magazine is more likely to be displayed on coffee tables, in reception areas, and wherever readers want to learn about local news ... and local advertisers.


Thank you for visiting our website — please contact us with any questions • 860-988-1910 •

Proud Member


Magazine Size

8.5 inches x 11 inches


Advertisers in the debut issue of Canton Today will receive a 10% discount off the rates below for their entire campaign — and will continue to receive the discount when they re-up. Use promo code DEBUT ... nonprofits receive a 20% discount: DEBUT501c3. 


Debut advertisers receive a 10% discount off the rates below for their entire campaign. Use promo code DEBUT — nonprofits receive a 15% discount: DEBUT501c3. 


Our online news platform offers a powerful opportunity to expand your reach — there's a 50% discount if you're already advertising in our monthly print-and-digital magazine.
• See details below 
Local news from Today Magazine Online  

Today Magazine Editions • 2018-2024 > Archive

Today Magazine  2018-2024

TODAY Publishing • 860-988-1910 • office @ — P.O. Box 393, West Simsbury, Connecticut 06092 — © 2018-2025

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